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The purpose of this forum is to allow students to post questions concerning the Project, and get answers that can help them proceed and move forward. Each student is encouraged to send his/her question and I will do my best to answer as soon as possible.


Good luck to all.

Dr. Mahmoud EL-HADIDI

DiscussionStarted byRepliesLast post
Q&A-3 Picture of Mahmoud EL-HADIDI Mahmoud EL-HADIDI 0 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
Wed, 16 Nov 2011, 07:45 AM
Q&A-2 Picture of Mahmoud EL-HADIDI Mahmoud EL-HADIDI 0 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
Mon, 14 Nov 2011, 07:12 PM
Q&A-1 Picture of Mahmoud EL-HADIDI Mahmoud EL-HADIDI 0 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
Thu, 10 Nov 2011, 06:43 PM
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