Master of Science
Professional Master
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Antenna fundamentals, basic antenna parameters, radiation integrals, radiation from wire antennas, aperture antennas, antenna arrays, phased arrays and null steering, receiving antennas, polarization mismatch, antenna design techniques
ELC401A: Electronics 4A - Advanced Microelectronics
- Teacher: Ahmed Emira
- Teacher: Mohamed Aboudina
- Teacher: Ahmed Khorshid
This course is offered to 4th year students, Electronics and Communications Engineering. The course is covering different topics: Memories, CMOS opamp design, switched-capacitor circuits.
ELC403A: Computer 4 (A) - Computer Networks
- Instructor: Khaled Elsayed
- Instructor: Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
This course aims at introducing the students to the basic concepts of Computer Networks and laying the foundation for more advanced courses in this very important area. It begins with an overview of computer networks, their functions, their types, and the main requirements for two computers to be able to communicate over a network. Subsequent topics include: The Way Networks Work, The Internet, Transport Layers Protocols, and Local Area Networks.
Part I: Antenna Engineering
This course introduces students to antennas starting with the classical theory of radiation, the radiation mechanism, radiation integrals, antenna parameters, antenna types, receiving antennas, antenna arrays and ending with atmospheric wave propagation.
Part II: Optical Engineering
This part is a brief introduction to lasers. Basic terms such as population inversion and stimulated emission are defined. Basic operation of a 3-level laser is presented.
- Communication 4th year
Advanced Communication Systems
This course introduces the advanced communication systems such as DSL, OFDM, Spread Spectrum and CDMA.