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Picture of Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
Clarifications regarding the Midterm
by Mahmoud EL-HADIDI - Friday, 18 November 2011, 07:36 PM

I received the following E-Mail from Amr Youssef <>

"Please Doctor , Regarding Midterm Exam , we have to be questioned till Sheet (2) as Problems . 
and as  general theoretical questions till  end of lecture (7) ,and thus means that ONLY  " Naming "   is considered ,, NO Addressing , Subnetting , .. , will be considered  in Exam . ( lecture 8 isn't included)
Am I true ? 
Thanks in-advance ..

Here is my response:

The Midterm will be covering the material addressed in Lectures 1 till 6, as well as Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Topics in Lectures 7 till 9 and Sheet 3 are not included in the Midterm.

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