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By the end of this graduate class on computer architecture the learners should be able to
- identify the major trends in current computer architecture designs,
- summarize the contributions of a research paper in computer architecture,
- calculate the benefits of applying a change to the architecture, and
- critique a proposed idea to clearly define its domain of applicability.
Analog Integrated Circuits for graduate students
This course is offered for Graduate Students in Electronics and Communications Engineering Department. It covers circuit design concepts of linear regulators and switching regulators.
This course is offered for Master Students in Electronics and Communications Engineering Department. It covers fundamentals and concepts in Data converter architectures and design.
ELC623: Digital Communications
- Teacher: Samy Soliman
- Teacher: Ahmed MEHANA
This is a fundamental graduate-level course on the analysis and the design of digital communication systems based on probability theory and signal space representation. It is intended to study the performance of various detection methods for communication systems operating over AWGN channels as well as fading channels. The course includes comparisons of different modulation techniques in terms of performance and resource usage. It covers also the design of equalizers. The course provides also introductions to MIMO systems, cooperative systems and multi-user systems.
This course introduces graduate students to the finite-difference techniques as applied to electromagnetic problems.
This course introduces numerical methods in Computational Electromagnetics, with emphasis on the Momemt Method (MoM) and the Finite-Difference (FD) Method. The course covers the EFIE, MFIE, and CFIE in the MoM as well as the application of the FD to quasi-electrostatic problems.
ELC687: Neural Networks
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
The course covers the following topics:
Security Concepts and Definitions (Risks, Threats, Security Policy, Safeguards, Services) - Four Layer Security Model - Symmetric Key Cryptographic Techniques - Key Management Techniques for Symmetric Key Cryptography - Asymmetric Key Cryptographic Techniques - Digital Signature - Key Management Techniques for Asymmetric Key Cryptography - PKI – Practical Security Protocols - Security in Mobile Networks – Security in Wireless Networks.
The course aims at introducing the fundamental know-how of Digital System Testing and Testable Design. The tentative course outline covers using Verilog HDL for Design and Test, Fault and Defect Models, Test Pattern Generation, Design for Testability, Standard IEEE Test Access Methods, Built-in Self-test, and Test Compression.
This course studies the propagation of electromagnetic waves in periodic structures, starting with one-dimensional structures, i.e., transmission lines and passing by periodically loaded waveguides, electromagnetic bandgap structures, frequency-selective surfaces... etc. Periodic loading of surfaces to achieve certain characteristics is also investigated. In all problems, the analysis methods yielding the dispersion behavior are illustrated and the use of circuit and full-wave simulators are presented.
This course is designed to provide the foundation for graduate research in electromagnetics. It covers the electromagnetic theorems and principles, the Green's function method, with applications to the analysis of arbitrarily-shaped scatterers using the surface integral equation formulation. Canonical scattering problems, analysis of frequency selective surfaces and other topics are also covered.
The course presents topics relevant to computer and communication systems perfromance evaluation. These topics include Markov chain, Markov reward models, phase type distribution, complex analysis for PH distributions, and system simulation.
Lectures: Tuesdays 5:15PM - 8:00PM
Office Hours: Sundays 2PM-3PM
Multimedia Communications
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
ECP601: Digital Communications
- Teacher: Ahmed MEHANA
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
ELC102B: Circuits I (B)
- Teacher: Heba Sadek
Frequency response
OpAmp Applications
ELC203: Computer
- Teacher: Ahmed Zahran
This courses introduces the student to the basic architecture of computer microprocessors and their programming using Assembly language.
Review on Vector Analysis for Field Theory, Static Electric Fields, Electric Potential, Electric Permittivity, Capacitance, Electric Energy and Force, Poisson's and Laplace's Equations, Steady Electric Currents, Equation of Continuity, Static Magnetic Fields, Magnetic Vector Potential, Magnetic Field Intensity, Magnetic Permeability, Inductance, Magnetic Energy and Force
Course Objectives:
- To be able to design a differential pair, current mirror, and power amplifiers.
- To analyze a two-stage amplifier.
- To have the knowledge of Noise analysis of an analog circuit.
- To be familiar with IC fabrication process.
This course introduces students who have only the knowledge of essential basic theorems and tools of circuits to new subjects of analysis of passive electric circuits such as frequency domain and spectrum analysis, transient and steady-state solutions of circuits with initial conditions as well as the subject of network synthesis.
ELC206: Signals
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
The course has two main goals: 1) developing the personality of the students through ethics and softskills, and 2) teach the students the basic concepts of economics
Electromagnitics I
- Teacher: Mona Fouad
Transmission Line (TL) Fundamentals - Smith Chart - Scattering Matrix
Analog IC applications - Operational amplifiers - Waveform generation - Multiviberator - Differential Amplifier - Gilbert Cell - Digital logic circuits (TTL, RTL, ECL) - Sequential circuits (flip flops, shift registers, counters) - Electronic circuits in radio and television - Phase locked loops - Video recording and CDs - Electronic systems in communication networking.
ELC305A: EM Waves 1a
- Instructor: Islam Eshrah
This course introduces students to microwave engineering starting with transmission line theory, transmission line circuits, Smith charts, and matching techniques, and ending with microwave network analysis using S parameters.
ELC302B: Active Circuits
- Teacher: Ahmed Khorshid
- Teacher: Omar Mohamed
- Teacher: Mohamed Aboudina
This course covers principles of active circuits.
ELC303B: Computer 3 - Data Structures
- Teacher: Khaled Elsayed
- Teacher: Shehab Elsayed
- Teacher: Ahmed Zahran
- Teacher: Muhammad Refaat
ELC305B: EM Waves 1b
- Teacher: Islam Eshrah
This course introduces students to microwave filter design, with focus on the insertion loss method. Different realization techniques are presented. Conducting waveguides supporting non-TEM modes are studied, such as rectangular and circular waveguides. Cavity resonators, excitation techniques and other topics are also covered.
- Teacher: Osama Riad
- Teacher: Sameh Yassin
Antenna fundamentals, basic antenna parameters, radiation integrals, radiation from wire antennas, aperture antennas, antenna arrays, phased arrays and null steering, receiving antennas, polarization mismatch, antenna design techniques
ELC401A: Electronics 4A - Advanced Microelectronics
- Teacher: Ahmed Emira
- Teacher: Mohamed Aboudina
- Teacher: Ahmed Khorshid
This course is offered to 4th year students, Electronics and Communications Engineering. The course is covering different topics: Memories, CMOS opamp design, switched-capacitor circuits.
ELC403A: Computer 4 (A) - Computer Networks
- Instructor: Khaled Elsayed
- Instructor: Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
This course aims at introducing the students to the basic concepts of Computer Networks and laying the foundation for more advanced courses in this very important area. It begins with an overview of computer networks, their functions, their types, and the main requirements for two computers to be able to communicate over a network. Subsequent topics include: The Way Networks Work, The Internet, Transport Layers Protocols, and Local Area Networks.
Part I: Antenna Engineering
This course introduces students to antennas starting with the classical theory of radiation, the radiation mechanism, radiation integrals, antenna parameters, antenna types, receiving antennas, antenna arrays and ending with atmospheric wave propagation.
Part II: Optical Engineering
This part is a brief introduction to lasers. Basic terms such as population inversion and stimulated emission are defined. Basic operation of a 3-level laser is presented.
- Communication 4th year
Advanced Communication Systems
This course introduces the advanced communication systems such as DSL, OFDM, Spread Spectrum and CDMA. ELC458 - Computer Network Design
- Teacher: Mahmoud EL-HADIDI
- Teacher: MT H
In this course, principles of computer networks are put into practical usage by learning how to design a wired computer network in a systematic and structured way. First, a review of network building blocks is presented, including switches, routers, and cables. Next, needs determination and analysis is discussed with the objective of quantifying these needs and translating them into a Bill of Quantities. The deduced needs are mapped into a cable-run diagram for the passive network components, and schematic diagram for the active network components. Design rules for the active network components are explained, and these are demonstrated by referring to datasheets for commercially available products. Use of AutoCAD is suggested for graphical representation of the passive network, network simulation tools - such as NS (Network Simulator) - is deployed in order to determine the performance of the designed active network. During the course, students apply the design concepts they learn by applying them to a real design situation.
This course introduces students to the different scenarios of exposure to RF radiation, the relevant quantities used to assess it, and the related standards.
Optical Fibers (Elective 3)
- Instructor: Hanna Kirolous
Optical versus radio frequency communications – Optical fibers – Ray representation in optical fibers – Modal analysis in step and graded index optical fibers – Signal degradation – Optical receivers – Optical properties of III – V semiconductors – Photo emitters: SC laser diodes, light emitting diodes – Photo detectors: PIN and avalanche photo diode (APD).
This course is intended for senior year students.
ELC467: RF Electronics
- Teacher: Faisal Hussien
Standards Overview
RF system design
Frequency Synthesizer
SSR Material
- Instructor: Hanna Kirolous
This is a senior year undergraduate course on wireless communications. The course includes introduction to wireless communication systems, the characteristics of wireless channels and their limitations. It includes also introduction to spread spectrum (SS) communication systems, orthogonal-frequency division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems, as well as diversity systems in wireless communications.
ELCN305: EM2
- Teacher: Islam Eshrah
This course covers transmission line components, microwave network analysis, microwave passive components based on microstrip lines. Analysis of non-TEM guided-wave structures like rectangular and circular waveguides is introduced. Excitation mechanisms, waveguide components and discontinuities are also covered.
Course Contents
- Introduction: Overview, Static Fields Produced by Electrons
- Influence of Magnetic Field on Electron Motion
- Electron Cathode
- Electron Gun and Electron Beam
- Beam Gap Interaction and Bunching
- Klystron
- Traveling Wave Tubes TWT
- Crossed Field Devices (Magnetron)
- Gyrotron
- (Main Reference) A. S. Gilmour Jr., Klystrons, Traveling Wave Tubes, Magnetrons, Cross-Field Amplifiers, and Gyrotrons, 1st ed. Artech House, 2011.
- J. Benford, J. A. Swegle, and E. Schamiloglu, High power microwaves, Taylor & Francis, 2007.
ELCN112: Circuits II
- Teacher: Islam Eshrah
An advanced course in theory of electric circuits introducing resonance in electric circuits, filters, analysis of circuits using Fourier series, transient analysis using Laplace transform, and two-port networks.
Course Objectives- To introduce the detrimental effect of noise and ISI in digital communications systems.
- To introduce the concept of matched filtering and illustrate its importance in the digital communications receivers design.
- To illustrate the method for error rate calculation due to presence of noise.
- To explain the Nyquist criterion for pulse shaping for zero ISI.
- To explain the signal-space concept and introduce the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure.
- To understand the concept of the likelihood function, the MAP and the ML decision rules.
- To introduce the union bound as a tool for error rate calculation.
- To introduce the different passband digital communications schemes: ASK, PSK and FSK and their performance.
ELC N441: Elective Electronics 2
- Teacher: Faisal Hussien
- Teacher: Mohamed Aboudina
Elective Course - Advanced Electronics 2
EECE Faculty Forum
- Coordinator: Mahmoud Ismail
- Coordinator: Islam Eshrah
EECE Faculty Forum is intended to be the venue for sharing posts (academic, political ... etc.), sharing files, posting announcements, sharing calendars and more.