Master of Science
Professional Master
1st Year
1st Semester
3rd Year
4th Year
Course Objectives:
- To be able to design a differential pair, current mirror, and power amplifiers.
- To analyze a two-stage amplifier.
- To have the knowledge of Noise analysis of an analog circuit.
- To be familiar with IC fabrication process.
This course introduces students who have only the knowledge of essential basic theorems and tools of circuits to new subjects of analysis of passive electric circuits such as frequency domain and spectrum analysis, transient and steady-state solutions of circuits with initial conditions as well as the subject of network synthesis.
ELC206: Signals
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
- Teacher: Omar Nasr
The course has two main goals: 1) developing the personality of the students through ethics and softskills, and 2) teach the students the basic concepts of economics